Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Cinema Show

A few weeks ago I mentioned in passing that they/we/somebody was restoring our old cinema to its former glory. One day I'll actually get around to writing about "the show" as it played a far bigger role in my life than probably even I realized at the time. No doubt it's where I first really got into movies and where I saw the bulk of them growing up. I'm not sure but the first movie saw there could have been Star Wars in 1977. I know I saw it there and wouldn't have seen many movies before then as I was only 2 (thanks, Andy. Thandy) 3 1/2 years old. The last one was definitely Happy Gilmore. Regardless, it's always been a special place for me. So much so, that I actually considered purchasing it a few years ago but we never got serious about it. I suspect part of me will always regret that.

It closed up shop in 1997 but was deteriorating even before then. Like most small town movie houses, it couldn't compete with the megaplexes and attendance couldn't justify the necessary repairs. Time took its toll.

Exterior work was begun in the fall and as can be seen, is more or less finished. All the neon and paint has been replaced and restored to its original colors. Other than a brief test, they've not lit it up though that's supposed to be in a few weeks. New windows and doors as you can tell. Now work begins on the interior which will be a massive undertaking, read: expensive. This will be done solely through donations and private funding through our Better Hometown organization. Guess who's the chairman. If you'd like to make a donation, get in touch. Probably one of the coolest things we're doing is that you can purchase a seat in honor or memory of someone, even yourself. If, like me, you always sat in the same seat, it can now be yours forever. Maybe we'll even throw in some of the old floor goo as well.

I thought it might be a kick for any out-of-towners that remember the Knox to see what's going on now. Regardless, "the show" is looking better than it has in decades. I'll try to post as things progress.


Chris <>< said...

OOOO awesome lookin doors. "Art deco, very nice." -Egon

Jeremy said...

Are those doors on backwards? Left one on right side and vice versa. Seems like the glass should make an oval when closed, no?

A+ for Ghostbusters, btw.

Anonymous said...

i think i would inquire about the doors being reversed.

btw - you were born in '73 there Keymaster

- atr