Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let's Go Bowling

Though I've yet to manage to upload them, Marisol has provided pictures of the Hollywood's destruction of our family heirloom. At this point a reminder is probably in order: the house we loved so much we sold 60 years ago and have allowed to gradually fall in. The point being that I've not forgot my promise to my faithful readers, I've just yet to act on it. Perhaps I have a future in politics.

Apparently, the EPJ's construction of her Rancho Relaxo pool is of great interest to some. I guess I just took it for granted that people would actually care since I spend most of my days trying to ignore any/all talk of such affairs.

I keed.

Nevertheless, construction continues or more accurately, is wrapping up. Not having much experience with such things, I really didn't know how long these projects take. I must admit it warms the cockles of my heart to know that it really doesn't take more than a few days to dig a big hole and fill 'er up. Never let the determination of the American worker (and his Mexican sub-contractors) be underestimated, especially when there's a crazed woman monitoring their progress. In addition to being an expert on various legal matters and kid-raising, the EPJ's also a skilled construction foreman.

Due to this expertise, she's been running out to her house to check on the progress and document everything with her trusty digital camera. This, as one might figure, is a fascinating documentation. Wow, there used to be grass. Now there's a hole. And now there's a liner. What a pretty at bulldozer. Oh look there's Diego, hello Diego. Etc.

As stated above, the project is winding down and they've moved on to what I can only presume is the final phase: the fill. Not really sure how this was accomplished. They simply may have cut on the garden hose and tossed it over the side or pulled the local fire department away from that children's orphanage fire to borrow the hose. I'm sure the kids understood. Whatever, the pool is now full if not yet open for business. Unfortunately, the EPJ didn't get a picture of the procedure. I guess it wasn't noteworthy. My warped sense of humor really was hoping for a picture of her standing over an empty pool with a hose, however. For some reason I imagined they build it, you fill it. Again, I've little experience with these type projects.

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