Monday, March 9, 2009

No, I'm not going to reference that awful Talking Heads song

For all interested, it seems the house was burned down last night and a guy, possibly on fire/probably not, did indeed jump out and all was filmed for posterity or Hollywood or mankind or something. I've not ridden out to the smoldering embers this morning but Marisol confirmed that the house is no longer there and the location was, in fact, smoldering this morning. I have not confirmed whether the house was actually blown up, but I'll presume it was. That makes a far more riveting tale, which this all definitely needs. Big ass Hollywood film crew makes once in a blue moon trip to sticks to torch local collapsing mansion on the hill for semi-big ass Hollywood flick starting real, actual big ass movie stars is indeed a bit vanilla.

Alas, I was not able to personally witness said destruction. The local authorities blocked off the road yesterday morning and wouldn't let anyone pass. All the bribes of doughnuts (just kidding, guys) were ignored because we have a dedicated sort who are very dedicated to protecting the peace. It takes more than fried dough and clichés long past their sell-by date to get them to violate their oaths, by gum. I had thought we could maybe walk up closer to everything but it was not to be. There were all sorts of army vehicles, heavy machinery and possible nuclear weapons to keep us would-be gawkers at bay. Tempting though it was to be in the same square mile as the action and imagine what was going on just over the hill, I ultimately decided why bother and didn't even go out there. So the destruction of important family history (that I'd largely forgotten about) was accomplished with no one there to represent our clan. This is all somehow fitting.

Nevertheless, it all was documented by the local organ. Since I have connections to said paper (namely Marisol), hopefully I can get some pix up here before too long. According to Marisol, her boss got plenty of before, during and after. I suppose being a member of the working press in a small town occasionally has advantages besides getting into local high school games for free. Those are pretty much the only two advantages I can think of however.

Anyway, if I get a chance to get out there this afternoon, I'll try to put up a couple of photos of the smoking ruins. Tremendously exciting and worthwhile though they will be. For a preview, I would suggest going outside and starting a fire in the yard. Please be sure to extinguish afterwards. We certainly wouldn't want anyone burning up any neighborhoods. Unless, of course, you hate your neighbors.

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