Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mr. Gorshin, your table is ready

I'd like to think that you, dear reader, read these posts over and over. Like some grad student poring over the endless minutia found in Joyce or Proust, I imagine regular readers searching and analyzing content for all manner of cryptic references and hidden clues. The excitement of unearthing a verbal treasure replaced by the sadness of knowing that, like the onion, there are still more layers to go.

I suspect the reality is much more sobering. Most of the world doesn't know I exist and the ones who do read my ramblings are quite content with having lost only a few moments of valuable time rather than pondering over obscure details for subsequent minutes. Thus I share the burden of ol' Jimmy and Marcel. If not the talent.

All of this is an extremely pretentious tongue-in-cheek way of saying that I made an error that needs correcting. Yesterday in posting on the Knox, I reckoned that Star Wars was the first flick I saw at age 2 1/2 in 1977. Part of that statement may well be true. I did see Star Wars at the Knox. It was 1977. Unfortunately, I seemed to forget that I was, in fact, born in 1973 and not 1974 thus making me 3 1/2. So yes, I can remember what was possibly the first movie I saw and where I saw it some 30+ years ago but the high hurdle of basic math was a little too much. Apologies but thanks to Andy for pointing my age out to me. He can remember precisely when I was born because from then on his world crumbled as I rose to power.

An aside. It's good to know that it took me three paragraphs to say what could have been accomplished in one sentence. Luckily, Blogger pays me by the word. Moving on...

It is with great sadness that I must relay that construction on the Rancho Relaxo pool has been temporarily halted due to weather. We've gotten roughly 17" of rain here in the past week and aside from a brief peak on Sunday (the Lord's day of rest, you know) there's been no sun. Perhaps I should have taken those Earth Hour instructions more seriously. Anyway, the EPJ reported that she now has a giant mud hole in her yard. I'm not sure whether she was expecting her new Mexican friends to kindly pull a tarp over the site before heading home for the day or maybe they would do some of their voodoo to stop the rain. Regardless, she's arrived at the scientific breakthrough that dirt + hole + water = heap em big mess. Optimist that I am, I told her to be of good cheer, most of her neighbors still don't hate her and at least her house hasn't slid into the hole. Yet.

So the ribbon cutting has been pushed back. *Sigh* I'm not sure to when but a safe bet it will be sometime between now and the end of the world. I know it won't be after the end of the world because not even the Almighty is a match for the determined EPJ. She simply won't let God carry out His apocalypse until she gets to belly flop into her fruit of others labor. Therefore, in the best interest of humanity I must hope that work is never completed.

A slight update: There is a slightly different picture below now. A better shot with both doors in place as well a more close-up view of some of the neon. FWIW, the doors are on backwards and will stay that way. Don't ask.

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