Friday, April 24, 2009

Will you be my friend on Facebook?

As the EPJ presently has about half of Mexico working on site, my declaration of Rancho Relaxo pool/spa & salad bar being complete and open for bidness may have been a bit premature. Nevertheless, like the still under construction Death Star in Jedi, it is still fully functional and ready to destroy small planets. Or fun. So...below a couple of pictures. Rancho Relaxo meet Earth. Earth meet Rancho Relaxo. Gate that keeps out the riff-raff leading to cement made from the sands of the Sahara up steps to authentic old-timey rocking chairs stolen from Cracker Barrel.

A couple of notes: 1)The EPJ was eager for Earth to know the door on the smokehouse (she's quite the cured meat fan) is being painted to match her umbrella. Presumably she means red and not striped. Personally, I'd prefer a striped door because that would be sassy. 2)Assume the garden hose is the very one used to fill 'er up. They keep it nearby as a second line of defense should the gate fail to do its job. 3)The EPJ thought this the best picture to show off the pool so please ignore the fact there's a table in the middle of the frame blocking, erm, the pool.

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