Friday, March 20, 2009

How exactly does one walk onto a yacht

For those interested, Marisol came through Lasik fine. Last night before I left her house she could read the smaller (not smallest) print on television. Her followup visit to the doctor this morning found her with 20/20 vision! She was ecstatic and rightfully so. Thus ends 25 years of visual aides for her. Not to fear, I have no plans to change my bespectacled status as everyone's beloved correspondent. I've worn them for so long now that when photos from my high school days without them, I just look odd. Or odder. I think more odd is actually grammatically correct but grammar is 4 eggheadz and losers. Both of which I've accuse myself of being far too often.

The other night found me screening How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. As I told MB the other day, the book has been on my to-read list for a bit; I suspect I'll never get around to it. That's generally how I do things: find something that sounds interesting, put it as a to-do, forget about it, have something remind me about it, remake vow, forget about it, die an emptier person.

I was unaware a movie was being made until I saw the poster in the London Tube of all places. Remembered my past interest, noticed the great Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Spaced--absolute genius tv show that everyone everywhere should watch continuously) was in it and told Andy "I want to see that." I believe his response was, "I don't." I'm not sure it ever received a wide release here, if at all. Anyway, brief synopsis: snarky writer for small celeb-hating mag (ahem!) takes job at large celeb-loving mag (think EW), attempts to bring down system from the inside. Of course, snarky writer gets corrupted and falls into glitzy world before finding redemption and true love. The end.

In the midst of all this are digs at celeb culture, some of which work better than others, and some decently funny parts. But on the whole, the movie feels a little too tame and rushed. I'm guessing the book is a bit more fleshed out, since it's allegedly a true, if fictionalized, story. On film, though, everything happens pretty darn quickly and a bit too easy. It seems a bit unlikely that a big, glossy mag would give an upstart so many chances to lose friends and alienate people. Not having much knowledge of such a world I can't be sure nor do I really care all that much.

It probably didn't help matters that none of the characters were particularly likable and fairly one-dimensional. Don't misunderstand; the movie wasn't awful and I don't regret watching it. I just was expecting more from a movie with such potential and starring one of my favorite current funnymen. I'll get over it. Somehow.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I like Simon Pegg. And I have only seen Shaun of the Dead, but it happened to be insanely funny to me.
I am going to be in the GA fo shizzle this fall due to the missions thing not working out, so we can definitely plan THE WFMU RECORD FAIR!!
And please tell Marisol that I am glad that everything as far as Lasik goes went well and is going well!