Monday, August 3, 2009

Laziness pt. 17

Attention, Please Note, Etc.: If you stumbled upon here through a Google search expecting to hear of my meeting with Captain Beefheart, prepare to be disappointed. I've never met him. Ever. I am somewhat of a fan though I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I exist. *sigh* But just in case, "Hi, Don." I accidentally published my working title of this post (How I Met Captain Beefheart) before it was changed to Laziness pt. 17.

Look at the other posts around here, the titles are generally non-sensical or somewhat cryptic. This one was no different. Except. Said working title was apparently immediately entered into every search engine known to man and now anytime anyone searches "meeting Captain Beefheart" this is what they get. My mistake. So...sorry I can't give any clues as to how he really felt about Zappa or what his favorite brand of cola is. Probably Coca-Cola, Beefheart's pretty all-American.

And now the actual post.

I promised I would return, and for the most part, I'm good at keeping promises. As expected, WDW still charges for internet access. I still refused to pay. Perhaps on my next trip I'll organize a protest against this ridiculous policy. Until then, I'll continue to bear a burden only people with nothing much else to complain about can understand. Never fear though, I'll give a complete rundown of all the parts of the trip I choose to run down over the next few days. And probably a word or two about Seth's, Bonnie's & my delightful evening with high-quality yukster, Paul F. Tompkins, in Atlanta. Maybe even a random tale from my past. Oh, there's so much to look forward too. In fact, the only thing that gets this combo more excited is some good old-fashioned, white-bread Dixieland. Well, that and clear cutting.


Anonymous said...

So did the land of make believe or whatever you call it charge you for taking that picture too? - atr

Jeremy said...

You mean "The Happiest Place on Earth?" They probably charged someone but not me; I swiped the pic off the interwebs. Rest assured had I seen a dixieland band, there would have been a picture of me right along side tapping my toes.