Monday, July 27, 2009

Guilty of caring too much

Tomorrow, or more accurately, tonight is departure time for WDW '09 round 2. This is the first trip in 3 years that will not be centered around running a marathon. Accordingly, I've actually been able to look forward to this trip as a vacation and not an exercise in stupidity. So to speak. Which is not to say those recent trips haven't been fun and filled with much levity involving reasonably sane adults interacting with folks dressed as cartoon characters. It's just that before the marathon there's the fact that knowing I've got a good 5-hour run ahead of me which sort of puts a damper on my whimsy. The bulk of the post-race visit is spent trying to recover the energy I left somewhere between mile 18 and 21. The energy is usually found huddled in a corner, shivering and cursing me.

In order to squeeze the maximum amount of hap, hap, happiness into this trip, I have informed Marisol that the bus will be leaving at 4 am. Her response: We can leave earlier if you want. What a gal. My heart skipped a beat. But no, a 4 am call should put us through the gates around lunch. More to the point, it also means that my companions could (they won't) sleep much of the way down there, and no stops will be needed. Snacks will be provided and any major hunger issues will be dealt with via drive-thru. Should nature call, there will be a bottle. If privacy or discreetness is required, I recommend Depends and will roll down the windows. If we have a blow out, God forbid, I'll drive on the rim until we get there. Roadblocks? I'll be driving a Tahoe, 'nuff said. In short, my attitude towards driving is like being on the lam but without the danger of guns and knowing that I'll be headed to federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison when I get caught.

I did surprise myself yesterday by going ahead and packing. I'd like to think it was to get ahead of the game, but it was really so when asked if I was packed I could say, "Indeed I am." Right on cue this morning, the EPJ had scarcely closed the door before the inevitable was asked. "So Jerms, are you packed?" She had already started the follow-up, "Well, when are your going to?" when I cut her off. "Yep, yesterday afternoon while you were probably taking a siesta. So in yer face, EPJ. I am unstoppable." She then fired me.

So while the world is sleeping this evening, I'll be heading out for Florida. I will be taking my laptop, but may not have internet access. Disney used to charge for in-room access which is ridiculous. Andy would say it's par for the course. Hopefully, there are some free wi-fi spots around. I love my readers dearly and generally don't put a price on our relationship but $10 is $10. If I was made out of money, it's all gone into this trip. With any luck there will be daily updates, but who knows. Regardless, I'll give a wrap up when I get back because if there's anyone who deserves to know what I did on vacation, it's random strangers or folks who stumbled on here through an internet search for learning French. In the meantime, world, please do not blow up.

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