Wednesday, July 1, 2009

He thought of cars

Fun fact #1: There are precisely two local people who drive a Volkswagen. Whether this is because most folks around here hate affordable German engineering or simply hate Germans in general is currently unknown.

Fun fact #2: Both of said drivers work in the same office. I drive a Jetta. My radio is held in place with a screwdriver whose handle has faded due to 9+ years of exposure. The EPJ drives a bug. I suspect it goes without saying, but it's a convertible. I got my car in 1999. Hers is a demon from 2007. Neither have flames running down the sides. Both have similar mileage. This is surprising as I hate the environment far more than her and often drive around aimlessly for hours.

Fun fact #3: We may both be about to get new vehicles. Ooh, scary. The compressor in my car has exploded or something. Though my grease monkey credentials are a little lacking, I believe the compressor is an important part of the internal combustion engine. This, as the kids say, sucks. As for the EPJ, I'm not really sure why she needs a new one. Perhaps because July came in on a Wednesday. As I told Andy the other night, when it comes to me getting a new car, I can see the starting line in the distance. Using that same metaphor, I suppose the EPJ has just signed up for a race that may be held at some undetermined point. Impulse being one of her stronger assets.

I've made no decisions on exactly which international motor conglomerate will get my hard-earned dollar. However, it will almost certainly be an international because I hate Detroit or maybe it's America. Marisol asked me if I had any ideas and I replied I wasn't really sure. A combination of simplicity, sensibility and sophistication are my main objectives. I told her I was leaning towards a Maserati. I've always had a thing for them since Joe Walsh talked about his in "Life's Been Good."

Chevrolet has brought back the Camaro just in time for its Chapter 11 fire sale so that's an option too. I would be willing to break my anti-American stance if I could wrap my racing gloves around the wheel of that screaming yellow beast. Marisol would undoubtedly have to share me with every female, and most males, I come in contact with. But in order to be seen in such a sweet, sweet ride I think she'd be cool with that. She'd have to bring the Journey though.

As an aside, I can think of no better way to save GM. Bring back a car whose potential market consists entirely of 16-year old spoiled "princesses" and over-tanned, lunk-headed dudes struggling through some mid-life crisis. Perhaps that's why I'm not a CEO.

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