Friday, February 20, 2009

Your new shoes are worn at the heels

It really is a rather nice day out today. A bit cold, but blue sky, sun and a light breeze. If I were more motivated I'd probably take a picture so the world could see this little corner of itself. However, I'm not motivated and probably should have never mentioned it in the first place. But then I changed my mind as I'm wont to do. If you look close you can probably see your home or at least the renovations being done on the local picture show that's been closed for 13 years. Final screening: Booty Call.
In other local news, the powers that be have decided to replace the trees along Main Street with...more trees. I'm not entirely sure the logic but I'm guessing somebody complained that the old ones were too bare or spindly or wood. For all I know, we may have gotten a grant for new trees as part of the big stimulus package. What better way to stimulate the global economy that hire a couple of Mexicans to put out 10 trees along a street in the middle of nowhere? I certainly can't think of a better solution. This is of no interest to anyone, including me, except for the fact that moments after arriving at work this morning, I was requested to move my increasingly dirty machine of German precision. And while I'm out, howsabout moving the EPJ's somewhat cleaner little machine of German precision. Yeah, we both drive VW. Fascinating. So I grumbled and did as requested only to find that the workers had already moved the back hoe into place between our cars. Oh. Not wishing to get on the wrong side of a fella driving equipment that could render my beloved auto flat, I figured I'd keep the wisecracks to myself. Truthfully, I couldn't really come up with anything anyway since there aren't too many quips to be made regarding backhoes. Maybe they should have put a commission to study the lack of quality blue collar/heavy machinery jokes in the stimulus package. Oh wait, they did. Page 732 line 25.

In case anyone was wondering, we all survived the bad weather the other night. I believe they did actually put out two tornado warnings for us, but both were in the southern part of the county. All we got here was some rain and a little bit of wind. Out in the county, however, there was trees down and some scattered property damage. Meaning the property damage was scattered and not scattered property was damaged. But I'm sure that was already clear. I like to think I have a bright audience.

Regardless, the melodramatics of local weathermen in their super shiny weather centers are a little less melodramatic when you're in the direct line and a tornado is bearing down on you. Or you're "under the gun" as the pros like to say before they give the "all clear." And then apologize to the city denizens that Knight Rider is being preempted cause there's some rubes out in the hinterlands who didn't have the smarts to move to the more refined city. Apparently, nothing bad ever happens there and life is so joy-filled that any disruption of, say, Knight Rider is cause for riots, looting and street fires.
Actually, I guess I can see the point. Hasselhoff or not, there's still a talking car. Besides it's what he would have wanted them to do.


Chris <>< said...

I watched as the CELLS of doom slid by. Glad all is ok. (yelling because of the painful penny and the GO FOR THE FLAT TOP should be done too)

If you don't get the comment, you won't.

Jeremy said...

Oh I read you loud and clear, chief. I mean, after all, it would have just been a white car.

Note to anyone other than Andy: Don't even bother trying to figure out what we're on about. It wouldn't make any sense even if we did explain it to you.

Chris <>< said...

As long as it maintained a constant velocity.