Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boogie with Canned Heat

Though I've neglected to mention it since it is, you know, winter in the northern hemisphere, I have decided I will allow my voice to be heard: it is cold. The low here last night was 15F; admittedly for Eskimos that's probably a balmier day perfect for a stroll or baby seal clubbing. For the deep south, however, that's pretty damn cold. Why I even had to cut on the seat warmer in my car this morning. Of course, since my commute is less than a mile and door to door in about 3 minutes, there was little point in pushing all those extra buttons. I was tempted to take a few laps around the bypass just to get the buns nice and toasty but decided against it.

Not that I was missed. The EPJ and I have this little contest between us of seeing who can get to work late, the earliest. Since we usually have to get out of the other's way to get here, right now the contest is pretty much dead even. Unofficially, of course. Obviously being dutiful servants of the public we're always here 10 minutes early and leave 10 minutes late. But it's something to get that competitive spirit going first thing in the morning. At the end of the year I think the winner gets fired...and the loser has to stay on. I keed.

It's been a few weeks since the marathon. Running still continues and though the mileage has been cut back, I'm gradually getting back into my regular routine. Thus far the longest post-marathon run has been 6 miles, but at some point in the next week or so I'll switch over to getting ready for the 1/2 marathon in Atlanta at the end of March. A couple of weeks before that I'll be doing the Gate River 15K in Jacksonville. Apparently, it's the largest 15K in the U.S. which makes perfect sense as I'd never heard of it. But some 20,000 other twits apparently had and signed up as well. And since MB and her hubby live there, I figure I've got a built-in cheering squad to boot. I suppose more info on that run will follow as needed, but I think "15K in Jacksonville" pretty much covers it. Details are generally overrated.

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