Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Laziness pt. 11

Still not feeling tip top so regular posting is probably a day or two away. In the meantime, Bonnie Dearest sent some pix of our meeting the funniest man on planet Earth, Patton Oswalt. If all famous (or even not so famous) people were as cool as him, I'd probably have a lot more use for celebs. Well, probably not, but the point remains.

Bonnie Dearest a/k/a Bonnie from GA to TBSOWFMU listeners and funnyman, Mr. Patton Oswalt. I'm not sure who was more excited to meet the other, Bonnie or Patton. Srsly.Get ready to meet my little friend. Seth and Patton.

Your beloved correspondent and Patton. Considering it was almost 2 a.m., I'm surprisingly wide awake. P.S. I really am 8 ft. tall.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Going back to a conversation we had between end-of-show and meet 'n greet, I thought I'd do a little research:
You might have already checked this. Anyway, it's 10/09 instead of the usual 11/09. Not that it makes any difference.
p.s. I think that the young guy at the merch table was way more excited than me or Patton.