Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where's Melissa Sue Anderson when you need her?

Believe it or not today marks one year since I started doing this and this makes post #137. This information is offered for no reason other than most blogs fail to make it a year--I still despise that word, blog, if for no other reason than its connotations of mindless ramblings of self-centered boobs. Erm. Most blogs don't even make it past a couple of months. And pretty much all should never have been started. Mine is no different, but I enjoy doing it anyway and am quite the civic-minded gent as you know. As for the quality? It's a free service I provide so how much can one really expect?

Because there's nothing more depressing than looking back and realizing how much time one has really wasted, here's a brief trip through the year that was. (Apologies I don't have this soundtracked with some syrupy song and accompanied with a hazy, slow motion video. Instead you'll just have to hum "Thank You For Being a Friend" to yourself and read very, very slowly until someone cuts off the computer.)

Some numbers:

Total posts - 136
Posts that were useful/informative - 9
Trips to major U.S. cities other than Atlanta - 1 (Boston)
Trips to England/France - 1
Welcome signs for delightful French actresses seen - 1 (Juliette Binoche)
Delightful French actresses actually seen - 0
Record stores I finally went to - 2 (Twisted Village - Boston/Ultima Thule -Leicester, England)
Records purchased (cd) - 202
Records purchased (vinyl) - 63
Songs on ipod - 18,464
Trips to Disney World - 2
Marathons ran - 1
Other races ran - 3
Total miles ran - 1323
Throw-ups after long runs - 6
Pairs of running shoes - 3
Adorable nephews born - 1
Diapers changed - 0
Pictures of adorable nephew taken - approximately 30,000
Times Tech beat UGA in sports folks care about - 3 (1 each in football,basketball,baseball)
Super funny professional comedians met - 2 (Patton Oswalt,Paul F. Tompkins)
Unfunny professional dolts met - 787
Vaughn Meader references - 1
References even more arcane than the Vaughn Meader one - too many (including the title of this post)
Bad Jokes - far too many
Countries other than U.S. that visited this site at least once - 24
Countries that are now satisfied U.S. population consists of a lone, dorky, wise-acre who listens to weird music and has no life - 24

I could go on but I figure that's enough to show just what a quality waster of time I've been around here. Now let's go explore the future together!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

MB said...

Looking forward to your 2nd year! :-)