Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There's gonna be a chain fight tonight

Here's a fun little 25 item thing that's making the rounds on Facebook. The idea should be fairly easy to figure out but for the slow lane, the idea is give 25 random facts about one's self. I suppose since chain letters, etc. gravitated quickly to the interwebs it's only fitting they're clogging up more specific parts therein now too. This is what passes for interpersonal communication these days. Fortunately, this didn't come with some warning to make this list or we'd shoot this dog or your house would explode. On the contrary there was no sales pitch, hard or otherwise, just the want to expose hitherto hidden facets of one's life to complete strangers. The modern world. It's just more of the unity, happiness and down with our bad selves that is the mankind these days. Those of you fortunate enough to be my 'friend' on Facebook can view it there as well so you're actually getting two for the price of one. Alternately, this could be considered getting shanghaied twice for the negative Nellies out there.
  1. I began playing the drums at 5; the guitar at 18.
  2. I can carry on a conversation in French, provided I am speaking to someone under the age of 5.
  3. In 8th grade I made my literature teacher cry (NOT Mrs. Abbott, local folks).
  4. I have an odd fascination with early 70s counterculture radicals/revolutionary groups.
  5. I've kept a handwritten journal (date,release,store,price) of every music purchase I've made since 2000.
  6. I have 4 vinyl copies of Close to the Edge by Yes but only 3 cd copies.
  7. I refer to a collection of songs as an "album" regardless of whether it's a cd,lp,tape,mp3.
  8. I have a blog because I felt the main area the internet needed improvement was in the "self-centered ramblings about nothing in particular to a disinterested audience" department.
  9. My 12th grade Pre-Calculus teacher proclaimed me "cynic of the year". As if.
  10. I fell asleep during Close Encounters of the Third Kind when I was 4. I suspect I wasn't the only one.
  11. I generally abhor stand-up comedians.
  12. I think it should be law that all comedy clubs are named Yuks and funnymen (but not women), yuksters.
  13. The first concert I went to was Barry Manilow in 1981 on his "Barry" tour. I still have the shirt and tour book. My parents took me. It was in-the-round and I loved it. My status as a Fanilow ended shortly thereafter thanks to the early days of MTV. We parted on good terms though.
  14. To date I've run 3 marathons and 4 half-marathons.
  15. I've collected over half of the Nurse With Wound list thus far.
  16. I'd like to move to England or possibly France. I know there is no danger of me actually doing this however.
  17. I don't eat vegetables.
  18. I've never run across any group of 'old' men living it up, being free and having a generally grand time in a convertible whilst simultaneously discussing their, uh, man problems. Admittedly, I don't get out all that much.
  19. I am firmly convinced that the first 45 seconds of Abba's "Dancing Queen" make the greatest opening in pop music history. (sub comment: Abba is the greatest pop group of all time. The end.)
  20. I honestly had no problem with Ewoks in Return of the Jedi.
  21. I crossed the street at Piccadilly Circus in London with George Lucas. He's a small man, btw.
  22. I occasionally lament the lost art of letter writing.
  23. I saw Jimmy Page at Abbey Road Studios and didn't take the opportunity to meet him because I was too stunned at my own luck.
  24. I wear tennis shoes/trainers to work because I'm a rebel.
  25. I've been to 6 countries, 45 of the lower 48 states, baseball games at Fenway Park, Camden Yards, Turner Field, a Georgia Tech football game at the Meadowlands in NYC and even Disney World 20 times. But I've never been to me.

1 comment:

Chris <>< said...

Guh, this is like having the DVR catch a rerun of a show you're already watched.

