Thursday, January 8, 2009

But running with scissors would be dangerous

Way back in the dark ages of 2005, on a trip to WDW no less, I turned Bonnie Dearest (her snazzy new name on here) on to the comedic stylings and geniusity of The Best Show on WFMU, a comedy/talk/music show on the best radio station in the world, WFMU. Eager and adventurous listeners should click on the link. More than likely most will immediately begin to question my judgment on such matters but just know that on this issue I am not wrong. Sort of like the adage that gets tossed out in church every so often: The Bible says it, I believe it and that's seals it. Putting aside, of course, that as far as I know there's no mention of any radio station, awesome or otherwise, in that somewhat legendary tome; it's generally concerned with slightly more weighty matters which is just as well. While I would agree that most involved with radio these days should be put on trial for general crimes against humanity, eternal damnation as punishment would probably be a tad much. If only slightly.

Anyway, BD somehow somewhere along the way became quite the fan of TBSOWFMU and began occasionally calling in with reports on life in the northern hinterlands of Georgia. Her standard opening of "Hi Tom, this is Bonnie from Georgia," a reassurance that regardless of what happened before or after her call, that night's show would be a "W". And suddenly she found herself getting Facebook friend invites from unknown folks the world over, fellow FOTs (Friends of Tom), all eager to give some sense of meaning and purpose to their otherwise meaningless and purposeless lives. Kicking her coolness up several notches, BD's familiar refrain is placed front and center at the beginning of every show in the opening montage.


The bottom line in all of this is that, although it was scant, there was the slight chance that one could approach BD's status as hipsteress eminence. As the official bearer of bad news, let me inform the world, that scant hope has now vanished forever.

Out of the blue, BD has received a personal email from the comedy genius, titan and comedian of comedy, Patton Oswalt!!!!! I normally despise exclamation points, but in this case feel they are more than warranted.

Patton is coming to the 40 Watt in February. We all figured we should go because, well, he's, a comedy genius, titan, etc. Short of the birth of a child, there's really nothing better we could be doing that night, and even that would only be for a first born. Subsequent children are really a bit old hat, be honest. Anyway, BD emailed Tom asking about the show and out of the blue, Patton himself emails her back and puts us on the guest list. Therefore, BD, me, Seth (her brother) and Seth's wife will all be living off the fat of the coolness of BD. Marisol doesn't remotely care about such matters and as such will be absent. And thanks to Patton for always bringing it.

That's in February though. More immediately is this weekend. I got my final run of the training out of the way yesterday. 2 miles that hardly even seemed worth it, but nevertheless provided me with a sense of accomplishment for, at least, completing another training cycle. I generally don't pat myself on the back over so matters, feeling if I can do it anybody can, but it's tough not to feel a little pride over starting and 18-week program and seeing it through.

My Dad and I will be heading out for WDW Friday morning and should get there sometime mid-afternoon. Though this will be the first time just the two of us have been and it will be different, I suspect the pull of all things Mouse will be too great and I'll squeeze in the maximum amount of rides time I can.

Regardless, the marathon starts at 5:50 a.m. Sunday and the weather is supposed to be perfect for a change. If the previous years are any indication I should be finishing at some point in the 11 o'clock hour. In other words, when more sensible east coast people are going to church, brunch or just rolling over.

P.S. Not sure whether I'll take my laptop so there may not be any updates until I return of Tuesday but by all means continue to check back and read the same hilarity over and over.

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