Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The randomness of the maze

It's always a bright moment when someone offers the never particularly requested comment of "We've all got to die someday." Not sure why when people don't know what to say in response to illness or sadness or general unhappiness this is their go to cliche. Somehow the misfortune of a terminal illness or the embarrassment of a water closet death is lessened. Or so the one offering the comment apparently believes. This is all apropos of nothing. Nor is it related to what today may or may not be.

I got my 18 miles done on Saturday with no too much strife. I was very glad to be finished, mind, but didn't really feel at any point that I was past going. This is good since I've still got 19 and 20 miles to go in training. There's also the matter of the marathon itself. No biggie. Because of Thanksgiving I've moved my running schedule up a day this week. I trust all will make the necessary calendar changes.

The big event of the weekend was the promised screening of Madagascar 2 for Buster. While he enjoyed it quite a bit , he said that he thought Bolt was slightly better. I'm not sure what the basis for his criticisms were as I didn't delve too deeply. Perhaps the existential crisis of a dog is more relevant to a 7-year old than those of various truant zoo animals misplaced in Africa. That, or John Travolta makes a better talking animal than Ben Stiller. Ooh, look bright colors, etc.

Before the cinema, the annual meeting with Santa Claus took place. Actually, this was Buster's second of this still-young Christmas season; I suspect a good two or three more opportunities at various places will arise in the next few weeks. Santa gets around for someone who's supposed to be so busy this time of year. I suppose the internet has helped his Christmas rush as well.

Buster's request for this particular Father Christmas? 1) a shotgun and 2) a baby chicken. While his outside-the-box thinking is encouraging on one level, I'm predicting a disappointing Christmas for the little dude. Saturday's Santa found his requests "interesting."


Andy confirmed that the upcoming Baby X will in fact be a Hansel and not a Gretel. This wasn't much of a surprise since we had been told there was a 75% chance of a Hansel. Not being a med school grad, I was unaware there were percentages on such things. I mistakenly thought the telltale sign either was or wasn't there. Silly me. Though I've not been privy to any discussions of possible names, my suggestion of Zeigler Franklin is probably not under consideration. Which is a shame.



MB said...

I'm scared to ask -- pet or target practice???

Chris <>< said...

The line of R's will continue.

Anonymous said...

Actually Hansel's not a bad idea. Hansel Beauregard... - atr