Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I know that the hypnotized never lie, do ya?

I'd like to forget about politics, elections and anything remotely resembling the two for a bit. Nothing to do with sour grapes nor orgasmic elation. While I have views, strong/staunch at that, I'm of the general mind set of "Meet the new boss/Same as the old boss" and don't let successes/failures in elections geek me up/bum me out too much. Serenity now, etc.

Instead, my wishful, selective would-be amnesia is what pointy-heads like to call election fatigue. They're usually referring to the general populace tiring of campaign ads, debates, etc. and not the tedium and sausage-making that goes with actually holding an election, big or small.

It's with the latter my fatigue lies and like said sausage-making, the public at large would just as soon not be privy to it all. Suffice to say, it's a lot of work that goes unnoticed unless things run afoul. Luckily, this was not the case yesterday as nothing much really went wrong. Phew.

Still, my duties require me to start preparations for an election long before most even realize it's an election year and by the end of election day and especially an election cycle, any excitement I may have/have not had over thinking this one was the one or that one sucks have vanished. Any exuberance over my commitment to civics and my community is long gone. Both replaced by a desire to do nothing so much as go home.

The votes say people want more funding to build a bridge to Pluto? Go for it just keep the construction noise to a minimum whilst I rest. Think that all shoes should be made of ham? Fantastic, I generally don't wear shoes (ham or otherwise) in bed.

Alas, my beloved state is headed towards a runoff.


So...I'll get to cram the last couple of months of election fun into the next 3 weeks. Awesome. The marquee match-up for this round will be the U.S. Senate seat--there's also an appeals court judge spot and a Public Service Commissioner on the ballot to which no one, including the candidates families, will pay any attention. Sorry, guys and gals; at least the winner gets a cushy state job.

Because of the national implications of the big race, however, the media will descend here and posit this a further referendum on how dumb, awful, stupid, evil and otherwise bad our current president is, was and forever will be. And how this runoff can be the final step on the road to our country's permanent, total and forever goodness and all around badass-ness in the eyes of our international friends.

Likewise, the other side will suppose this a final stand for the side of all that is right with the world and must be defended to the end. Or we'll all die or something.

Or maybe it will just mean the same/different white dude with an R or D besides his name in Washington.

In other words it will all be great fun.

With any luck a few well-chosen celebs may deign to weigh in on things. Insight I'm always eager to hear. Really, who doesn't wonder what America's favorite yuckster thinks about fiscal responsibility and how it relates to the military industrial complex? We'll probably even get a visit or two from some A-list politicos, maybe America's favorite hockey mom or the man of the hour himself. Again, fun. Yay.

And by "we" I mean the state. I highly doubt our new president or any of his minions will head to my particular corner of the world unless he gets lost. Probably the best our community could hope for is the sister of the dude who sat next to the big cheese one night in Burger King.

P.S. For our family and friends scattered throughout the world who use this blog to keep up with us, herewith some news: Andy will become a Daddy, my Dad will become a Grandfather and I will become the hippest, coolest uncle evah sometime in April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That excitement enough for you Millicent?

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