Monday, October 12, 2009

I think your car alarm is going off

Golly, it's a pissy day. The type of day where one is sure that's it's raining all over the world. Or maybe the sky is crying as I'm sure some blues song somewhere says. I hate the blues, btw, so I'll presume I'd hate that song. Actually, come to think of it there was a Stevie Ray Vaughan song by that very title some years back. Maybe he wrote it. Maybe he didn't. But I was correct. I did hate the song. Still do, in fact. Much like 99.9% of his output. Sorry, SRV. Nothing personal, but again, I hate the blues.

Life can be depressing enough. So when I want a musical escape from the daily humdrum, I really don't need to listen to some geezer moan about how shitty their life is because their old lady done left them for a back door man or their hands are bleeding from picking cotton all day. Situations, I hasten to add, that the (most likely) white performer is not currently experiencing nor ever has. Plus, I would think bleeding hands would make plucking cat gut strings on an old cigar box or blowin' that harmonica difficult. Thank God Led Zeppelin invented rock and roll so we don't have to listen to such moaning anymore.

That all has very little to do with the weather here. And in reality it's not raining all over the world. It's not even raining 20 miles south of here. Or at least so says the radar. And we all know how reliable those things are. What this all ultimately means is that it is highly unlikely that Buster's mighty mites match will be held this evening. Which is a shame since they're currently riding a one-game winning streak. No, they probably haven't turned any corner. But I'd like to think the first taste of blood (read:victory) has turned this otherwise somewhat well-behaved bunch of ragamuffins into raving lunatics desperate to feast upon the entrails of another group of unfortunate miscreants. Blood lust knows no age. Plus, they get snacks after it's all done. That seems to be the most popular part of the day for all involved.

But win they did on Saturday morning. Braving a monsoon at the start only to find the sun peek out by the end. The weather as peculiar as the game was normal. Though it was fairly close, the game was never really in doubt since Buster's crew scored two quick touchdowns and held the other team scoreless for the first quarter. At this level, the game is more or less deciding when the first team fails to score on their possession.

Added in was some rather bizarre play calling by the other team who insisted on lining up in the shotgun. Questionable logic if you're going to run it up the middle every time. And at this level, every team does. Every time. Except for when the snap went over the quarterback's head (often). And when they tried a reverse! Kudos to the coach for doing just what no one was expecting him to do, but there's a reason no one was expecting it. These are 8-year old who have never played football before. If you tell one of them to run the opposite way with the ball, that's just what he's going to do. Oblivious to the fact he's supposed to hand it off to the guy coming towards him. So instead of scoring that easy touchdown, he got tackled by his own teammate. Oops.

Surely, the coach was bummed he couldn't attempt the amazing fake field goal he worked on all week. That would have really caught us off guard.

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