Monday, December 15, 2008

Teaching Barbara Harris to waterski

A weekend filled with all sorts of big news. Well, maybe not big news. Actually, I don't really know how much is news, more like stuff that happened and since I feel the need to let the world into my own little enclave I'll relate. To wit:
  1. Got my 12 miles out of the way Saturday morning. Decent enough time for me though no PR (1:50), particularly considering I had a cold most of last week. Oddly, I felt better after 19 (3:16)the previous week than I did the 12 this week. That leaves the big 20 miles for Saturday and then things drop off precipitously before the marathon. Urgh...I mean, bring it on.
  2. Christmas tree is up and decorated as of last night. Definitely the latest that task has been accomplished, but it's done with now so I scoff at all the slackers who've yet to get theirs up. Unfortunately for those expecting gifts from me, I've been equally tardy on said purchases so it looks increasingly likely that bars of soap, q-tips and whatever else I can find cheap and easy will rule the day. If there's a particular brand of sundry one so desires please notify me posthaste. Of course, if one doesn't assume one is getting a gift, one will not be disappointed. That choice is ultimately yours, dear reader.
  3. Most of yesterday was spent listening to records and ripping music to my ipod. This was as relaxing as it was pathetic. However, I'd suggest it was less of a wasted day than watching various No Fun League games on the telly whilst slovenly reclined on the sofa. First day I've had in a long time just to sit and listen. Plus, I've now got 49 days worth of music on the ipod which is as exciting as it is pathetic.
  4. Attended Marisol's Christmas cantata on Friday night. It was all very lovely and spirited and v.v. mobile. Difficult to describe, but they were constantly moving around the sanctuary. On second thought, I suppose that description wasn't all that difficult. Anyway, there were songs, shepherds, angels, a nativity and pretty much what one would expect in such a production. This is not to imply it was so predictable as to be less than enjoyable; churches generally follow the gospel account of the whole shebang and there ain't a whole lotta room for surprises, besides that whole virgin birth thing, of course. Therefore the sudden appearance of, say, Aquaman while cool and totally unexpected wouldn't really be all that appropriate.
  5. Patty Hearst has finally grown enough to make the giant leap from the floor to the kitchen counter. Consider her world dutifully rocked with new possibilities and views. Her BFF, Missy, having been doing this sort of thing for a couple of years was unimpressed. In addition to the ever popular toilet (yes, it's regularly flushed. Not by those two, mind, that would just be amazing) as her water source of choice, Patty Hearst can now lap up any puddling on plates, cups or general sink moisture. I suppose when one's tongue also doubles as toilet paper any concerns over water potability are forgotten. Please realize that there are not one, but two, bowls of fresh water that are refilled daily for Patty Heart and Missy. Virtually ignored, the bowls secondary purpose has become acting as water-filled paperweights. This they do surprisingly well.
  6. Thanks to Turner Classic Movies, I reacquainted myself with a couple of old Disney faves last night, The Apple Dumpling Gang and The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again. Yes, they're stupid with plots that are mere hangers for the zany hi jinks of Don Knotts and Tim Conway and most of the jokes are more telegraphed than Macon. So what? They're fun and I loved them as a kid. Still do. I fully admit to being a film snob, cinephile or whatever pretentious term we're calling ourselves this days. However, it is with no embarrassment or irony that I admit I lurv all those '60s/70s' Disney flicks just as much as I do the 'films' of Buñuel, Godard or Roeg. Dare I say it, the existential crisis played out in Freaky Friday (either version) is far more entertaining and human than in some ponderous snooze fest like Bergman's The Seventh Seal, regardless of what any best-of list says.

With all the excitement the weekend held, it's a wonder I managed to make it to work this morning. Thankfully, I have steered clear of the ditches for now.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I have been slacking in my gift buying, as well. It's getting to be increasingly overwhelming, though I really don't have that many more things to get. I think it's psychological.
I decided, and told my mother, that I am going to move to W'ton and live with y'all one summer. I won't have to get a job or anything icky like that, I will have saved a bunch of money over the previous school semester to get through the summer. I will cook and clean for y'all in exchange for room and board. Won't that be fun? I have secretly been planning this ever since I was 10.