Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nary a word about Burl Ives

With election day and Thanksgiving finally behind me, hopefully things will slow down a bit. Thankfully, there's only the minor events of Christmas, the marathon and all the attendant build up to both left. I can feel the boredom already. The main thing, however, is that elections are over and done with for at least a year. This should give just enough time for everyone to forget how much they actually hate an election year. If not, just ask me and I'll gladly remind. And I'm on the election payroll.

Whether because of the above or other factors, I've yet to start anything resembling Christmas shopping. This fact is probably not as big a deal to me as it is to any potential receivers. I did manage to get Christmas decorations up this weekend because otherwise the Grinch would win. Plus, as grand poobah of the local organization putting on the town Christmas hootenanny tomorrow night, I guess I need to show some solidarity with the season. Here goes: Yay, Christmas.


In Baby Hansel news, I attempted to get a feel for potential names with Millicent at Thanksgiving dinner. She made it clear there would be no discussion with me on said matters. Being as I only want to help, I can't imagine what she's afraid of or why. The world has enough Bob and John, right? Apparently, she feels I'm inclined to names which would single out said child as different. Perhaps, but if only more people knew of Zeigler or Renaldo or Absalom then they would not be quite as rare. Who could possibly resist the joys of parenting such a name? "Unhand that toy, Absalom. Insolence will not be tolerated."

I'm looking forward to Hansel's college graduation since that will probably be the first time I'm allowed to see him. Oh, Millicent. How I love to keed thee.

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