Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 1 -- We're here. Eventually.

8:30 pm -- I have no idea where we are right now besides somewhere between Atlanta and Paris. My guess would be somewhere near Maine. Andy just looked out the window and confirmed, "Yes, we are in fact near Maine." After tiring of Learning French by Podcast after about 6 lessons, I switched over to music. Currently the lovely Neko Case is playing for me whilst the rest of the cabin pretends to watch The Visitor. Haven't seen it but glancing up every now and then, it looks like one of those movies you'd only see on an airplane. That is to say, one would watch it unless there was nothing better to do. Perhaps I'm wrong and offer my apologies to the fine folks who made it.

We got to PTC (that's Peachtree City for the unhip), pretty much on schedule to find Andy wondering where we were. I didn't tell him but I stopped as we went by Hartsfield on the way to his house just so I could wave and tell the boys we'd be back as soon as we could go to PTC and turn around. A slight crisis averted with my luggage as we realized that it wouldn't fit overhead and would have to be checked. Because the nature of our schedule, we didn't want to do this so after measuring my bag to make sure and then 'working through' our differences, we headed out with an empty suitcase for me to swap my stuff into. A word in my defense, I merely backed my bag as I would to be taking an 8 day trip overseas, i.e. I had the gall to pack 4 pair of pants, the necessary amount of under garments/shirts to wear clean each day and a sweater. All of which fit just fine thank you. Nevertheless, I had more pants by myself than Andy/Daddy brought between them not to mention their 3 shirts each. I have this weird thing about wearing clean clothes.

So after unpacking my bag, I swapped everything into a much smaller suitcase and for the most part it fit because I am awesome...

4:52 am (U.S.) 10:52 am (France) -- We arrived a couple hours ago. Didn't have too much trouble though I did have to ask,(badly) if we were on the right train and the line for the train to Bayeux. That's where we are right now in fact. I suspect that will not be the case by the time this actually gets posted and read. I strongly suspect the jet lag will kick in shortly and since this is a 2 hour train ride perhaps I can get back a couple of those hours. In my brief stay in Paris I have determined that Parisians do like their graffiti. Maybe the train from de Galle to the center of Paris just took us through the Parisian hood. Or perhaps they don't want to stifle creativity. Dunno. I do know that it looked more like NYC circa 1977 than the cultural center of Europe circa now. Though we passed by a Peugot factory, I've yet to see a Le Car. Fingers crossed though.

5:15 pm (France) 11:15 am (U.S.) -- Did the Bayeux thing this afternoon as the jet lag really started to kick in. Andy has this silly notion of pressing on until total collapse because otherwise "your biorhythms will be screwed up." It's easy for him to press on since he/Daddy at least got some sleep on the plane. I didn't. So factoring in getting up yesterday morning in the 9:30 am range, I'm looking at 26 straight hours awake in which time I've driven to PTC, back to Atlanta, fly to Paris, rode the train 2 hours to Bayeux, walked around for about 6 hours so yeah, I'm a bit tired. Too tired to even be witty about things so here's what we saw, the Bayeux Tapestry and the cathedral here. I don't remember the name because I was zoning in/out but I'm guessing it was Our Lady or Blessed Mother or St. Somebody. Apologies and no disrespect intended to God and all his peoples of the world. I think even He rested occasionally.

I suspect day 2 will have me in more a return to normal. Check back and be surprised or disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just letting you know that I am checking in daily. Hope you get good rest tonight/today and retun to "yourself".

You all are in my prayers for a great trip and a safe return to w-ton (that's hip for Warrenton - in case you didn't know!)