Tuesday, August 26, 2008

déjà-vu all over again

So The Mailbox apparently closed for good. It was a good ride and there's all sorts of completely useless info about all sorts of completely useless things that are still there if one cares to relive the good ol' days of mispent snarkdom. Like The Monkees and ABC sang in entirely different songs: that was then but this now.

"What is now?" I presumed you, dear reader, would ask if you were here. As of right now (ho, ho), Now is an idea to document the preparation, execution and afterglow of my upcoming trip to France and England (Sept. 25-Oct. 3, 2008). Or at least the portions I feel the need to send into the ether. To put another way, if The Mailbox was the minutiae of my life in general. This blog will be the minutiae of the minutiae. Fun word that: minutiae. Say it and sound all pretentious not unlike...the French. I keed.

While the intent is to focus on the trip, I suspect my inability to ignore the world around me will mean myriad postings about myriad topics. Regardless, one can look forward to posts that are hopefully more entertaining than this first day of school one. For a schedule, I will try to post at least every couple of days. Plus ou moins.

A brief word about my blog title. For Bonnie's sake I will not reveal the English translation. However, I am certain that if you bright people found this site you can probably find a French dictionary somewhere on the internets. No Kathy it's not a rude word but my original, and preferred, title was.

Finally, feel free to leave comments though do not expect them to be read. Again, I keed. The email address, whatsfrench@gmail.com , provided at the top of the page is active. However, I would suggest using the address you've always used to contact me. This decision, like whether or not to wear a coat, is ultimately yours.

Stand by for fun.


Anonymous said...

well it's 1020pm and i'm still standing by for fun. hurry up. - atr

Chris <>< said...

My fun-o-meter registers nil...

Anonymous said...

what's a cream eraser? I keed.