Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Did you say Jay Ferguson?

Before I go any further allow me to point out to whom it may concern that I merely said "stand by for fun." I did not give a time table for nor suggest how said fun may reveal itself. It will just happen. Like the old axiom says, "Jesus is coming, look busy." Not comparing myself to our Lord and Savior, just sayin'.

I suppose I should lay out some of the details of how exactly the whole trip came about. As most of you know I have a brother, Andy. As most of you probably also know he is somewhat of a Georgia Tech fan. Somewhat. Home game attendance is expected and it's not uncommon for him, and sometimes me, to travel far and wide to see our beloved Jackets win and occasionally lose. We (he) specifically makes a point to attend away games at stadiums to which we've never been. Ostensibly, to cross off another school but really just to get another team's souvenir cups (best-UNC, worst-Duke's cheap paper ones). This season it just so happens that Tech will be playing at Boston College. Next week actually. We, along with our Dad, will be there because, well, who wouldn't want to fly to Boston for a football game and then come right back.***

So over the course of mapping out that particular trip the comment was made about it would be nice to go to Normandy and just turn the Boston trip into a brief world tour. You know, because leaving from Boston would shave +/- 3 hours off the flight. Europe is practically the next town over anyway.

Caught up in our delusions, we forgot that:
  1. Andy is married and has yet to saw through the newly applied ball and chain.
  2. We're swell people who love all of God's creatures. However, Delta, the finer hotels of the world and the tackier gift shops therein generally do not extend charity to us.

Ignoring such trivialities, we carried on plotting and eventually "wouldn't it be nice?" turned into "why not?" and here we are.

Not being privy to the inner workings of Andy's domestic bliss I can only guess Millicent (a.k.a. the fake name of Andy's real wife) was told of his plans. The following is merely a guess.

Andy: "I'm going to England/France with Daddy and Jeremy. You can't go because England only lets in three people at a time these days. Plus, we don't want you to.

Millicent: "That's okay. I need to work anyway."

Andy: "Yes you do. And since I won't be here you might as well work overtime. Fetch me my pipe and slippers."

***Andy's preferred method of attack for away football games: fly up the morning of the game or night before if a noon start, get rental car, drive from airport to stadium which may or may not be on campus, ooh/aah at the city/countryside on the way, find parking space, sit in car with radio on eating lunch/snack, walk to stadium, cheer/jeer at game, walk back to car, leave parking space to go to airport, ooh/aah at the city/countryside from the other side of the road on the way, return rental car, fly home and be back in time to watch the Saturday night games. Assuming Tech wins, this would be Andy's perfect day.

A couple of favorites from these trips:
  1. Making 3 trips to Washington D.C. over one football season, seeing Dulles Airport and its awesome mobile homes with dorsal fins that double as transports and precisely nothing else of our nation's capital besides the beltway leading to/from.
  2. Taking a day trip to NYC that consisted of attending the game and coming home 12 hours later. I even have a photographic evidence.

Perhaps you are jealous of my jet setting past. Never fear, this is natural. I understand.


Anonymous said...

Just call me Jethro Bodine International Playboy. btw where's that hacksaw? - atr

Anonymous said...

shaving cream!

Anonymous said...

I tell you are so funny.
No, really, you are. Don't pull that humble bit with me. Bonnie and I are guffawing about Millicent as I type! - kw